
This was a big year for me when it comes to personal growth. It’s almost hard to look back, as it feels like I’ve come so far. And, I almost feel like I got lost during parts of it as life got so busy and I forgot to pause and reflect. Fall 2021, I moved to Providence, Rhode Island for my co-op, which was the first time I had lived for that long in a different state. I lived there, having never been to the city and not knowing anyone there. It was a life changing experience. On surface level, I love the northeast, and the fall there was gorgeous; I loved my job; and I ended up making some really great friends and connections. But, if I dig deeper, there were so many lessons that I learned that allowed me to grow as a person. 

I spent A LOT of time alone. I’m always so busy when I’m home that this was the first time that I had this much time to myself. I started journaling consistently and feeling a lot more comfortable doing things with just myself! At first, it was weird to get used to, but I began to adjust quickly. Soon, I reached this feeling of calmness that was amazing! I was so content hanging out with myself and reading and writing things down and figuring out what makes me happy. 

In doing these things,  a big lesson I learned and carried forward into my life when I got back was that alone time is so important! It’s okay to say no to plans to have a night in alone. I realized I need time to recharge, and it isn’t good for my mental health to be constantly out and busy. I also found out that journaling really works for me to sort through issues that I have. Sometimes my brain just feels cluttered and it helps to write about it so that I can think more clearly. Overall, it is okay for me to be a little selfish sometimes! It’s easy to get caught up in saying yes to everything others want you to do, but I think that finding a good balance is important, so you aren’t over extending yourself. Since I got back, I’ve made sure to prioritize myself and have some chill nights where I can reach that calmness I discovered during Fall Semester. 

I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything, and I’m so excited for learning more about myself and the world as new experiences come my way.



