
Part of the Honors Year in Review is a retrospective look at events or experiences that have been significant in my life throughout the past year. In looking back at my involvements this year, there are a couple specific experiences that I feel have impacted my life journey significantly. Specifically, my experience navigating the challenges of study abroad as well as my time at a co-op company that did not feel inspiring to work at prompted me to do a lot of self reflection as far as my life goals and career path. 

Overall, my time on study abroad was wonderful. I experienced so many new things, and had once in a lifetime opportunities that I would not trade for anything. However, when talking about study abroad, most people fail to mention the challenges that go along with all of the great aspects. Being part of a co-op program at UC means that you are most likely used to moving around every semester, and this can be very overwhelming at times. Study abroad brought even more of a feeling of being displaced and ungrounded for me - being completely thrown out of my “normal” once again. And in addition to this, I had to manage interviewing for co-op with a huge time difference, navigating a long distance relationship, and conflict management with a difficult roommate. I learned a lot about communication and problem solving when in tough situations that are out of my control.  

Additionally, my co-op in the spring was what I thought was my dream job when I accepted the position. I was thrilled to be working at the company, so I was surprised and so disappointed when it turned out to be an environment that did not support my design passions and felt very discouraging honestly. I was constantly at my desk with no work to do for hours on end and felt as if I faded into the background in the office. I constantly questioned and reconsidered if this was the type of work I wanted to continue to do, If things were better at a different company doing the same work, or if a traditional 9-5 job was even the right path for me in general. 

I’d love to say that I’ve figured out some of the thoughts and challenges swirling around in my mind during this last year, but if I’m being honest, I’m still figuring it out. And I think that’s okay. I am starting a new co-op position this coming fall, and I am beginning to work on my capstone project, both of which I think will help reignite some of the passion that I think has faded within the last here. I think life is a constant rollercoaster of losing and finding yourself again and I think that’s okay. I have high hopes for the future and I’ll see you again next year!

